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Matt Jackson

Matt Jackson

Atlanta, Georgia

Matt Jackson also known by the moniker Ezra Daniels is Atlanta based singer/songwriter & producer known for his American Gospel in-fused with muscle-shoals era soul. Jackson’s formative experience with music consisted of playing drums for his traveling preacher father, driving from small town to small town experiencing again and again from behind the kit the heated fervor of Alabama tent revivals. A gift for singing and quickly picking up instruments led Jackson eventually into the music scene of his hometown of Birmingham Alabama, the largest and most diverse metro area in the state. What followed was years of performing and recording with various rock bands, which gave him the chance to integrate his southern gospel background into the music of a scene equally rich in soul, rock, grunge, country blues, and bluegrass. Jackson continues honing his skills as a solo artist and producer while playing in various projects around his current hometown of Marietta Ga.

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